Scholarships require generosity. Year-round programming requires generosity. Fun and over the top events requires generosity. Gay & Sober is still young and can't raise funds like an ordinary Roundup. Most established Roundups and Conventions have a prudent reserve from prior years. We depend on registrations and community giving to meet our financial obligations.
This is where we you come in...
Every dollar counts and you are helping us turn this vision into a reality. This unique convention has the potential to help so many people. Your generosity will be helping us to help others to get and stay sober. Thank you in advance for your patronage. We are so grateful for your support. All contributions and donations are tax-deductible.
For more information please email us at
On VENMO? Find us @gayandsober
SENDING A CHECK? Please make checks payable to Gay & Sober Inc.
Gifts or Checks may be mailed to:
Gay & Sober Inc.
406 West 47th Street, Suite 4A
New York, NY. 10036
*Gay & Sober Inc. is a New York 501c3 nonprofit organization. EIN: 81-3543092

*The big annual meeting at the Gay & Sober Men's Conference is recognized by the Association of Gays & Lesbians in Alcoholics Anonymous ( Gay & Sober Inc. is a tax exempt 501c3 New York State nonprofit. All donations and contributions are tax deductible. In the spirit of cooperation, Gay & Sober sponsored AA, AL-ANON, and CMA meetings donate and support AA, AL-ANON, and CMA, respectively. A separate 7th Tradition collection is taken at each big nightly conference meeting and sent directly to AA or CMA. There are no paid positions at Gay & Sober Inc. The entire organization is operated by volunteers. If you would like to see Gay & Sober's financial statement, please send an email to
**Gay & Sober Inc. is operated by the LGBT members of AA & CMA. All are welcome. The organization serves people from both fellowships. The organization sponsors an annual fellowship conference based on our program of recovery and provides opportunities for fellowship throughout the year. We adhere to the guidelines and principles set forth by the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, as well as the guidelines for conferences, conventions, and roundups. Our events are created for AA's & CMA's, by AA's & CMA's. Like many local Alano clubs, our corporation supports a variety of 12 Step programs.
Gay & Sober Inc. is not associated with the Big Apple Roundup Inc. Gay & Sober Inc. and Big Apple Roundup Inc. are both autonomous and separate business entities. As described in the long form of AA’s 3rd Tradition, and like meetings at other Roundups, the main AA meeting at the GSM Conference by group conscious considers itself an AA group. As such, the AA meeting at the Gay & Sober Conference makes Special Contributions annually to support the work of Alcoholics Anonymous. Questions concerning our support can be directed to the Alcoholics Anonymous Contributions Department at 212-870-3400.